bosch ebike pass

New eBike Pass Creates Stolen Bike Report with Bosch Flow App

Bosch pushed out two updates for the eBike Flow App for your Bosch Smart System-equipped eBikes. This article will cover the new eBike Pass and I’ll cover the new navigation updates in another article later this week once I have more time riding.

eBike Pass Details

The eBike Pass requires a Bosch Smart System e-bike and app version 1.17.2, which was pushed out the week of November 20, 2023.

Under your eBike Settings, you’ll find a tab called eBike pass. This is where you can document everything for your bike including serial number, additional accessories, a photo of the bike, a photo of your receipt, and even a photo of your lock receipt. I personally recommend taking a photo of your bike, with all the accessories and your lock.

Once you have all this information, if your bike is ever stolen you can then scroll to the bottom of eBike settings and click “My eBike was Stolen” to add more information, including GPS details if you have the eBike Alarm activated. From there, you can save a PDF to send to local police, bike shops, Bike Index, and your insurance.

The below PDF is only 1 of 3 pages. The other 2 pages include photos of the bike, your receipt, and unique serial numbers for each Bosch part.

Initial Experience

I do like that this gives customers an easy way to add all of the information needed and have it saved in their app. I would prefer if there was a non-theft version of this PDF that I could send to myself or insurance at any time and not only when I report a stolen bike.

The “Report a Stolen Bike” option is really hidden, and I didn’t find it the first few times I was in settings because it is below the fold, and you must scroll to find it. Ideally, this would be moved to the eBike Pass section.

I’ve been covering a lot of Bosch updates this year so make sure to see everything e-bike tech related here, and I’ll be back later this week with the navigation updates!

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