The concept of #BikesForBusiness was something I had seen great success with before COVID. Helping local businesses of all sizes see the financial and sustainable business benefits of using bikes over an automobile. The idea isn’t new, who delivered newspapers by bike years ago?!
Benefits of Bikes for Business
Financial – A cargo bike fully outfitted is much more affordable than a van
Speed – In dense areas, we are finding that it can be much faster and easier to get to places faster, skip finding parking, and pull up right to your destination
Staffing – Insurance and training have much lower barriers to riding a bike with skill
Storage – Keeping a handful of bikes in your lobby after hours is much easier than paying costly parking fees for cars or vans
Local Incentives – There are many towns and cities testing out cargo bike pilots that your business could be a part of with minimum investment from your side
Sustainability – Some towns (London) are requiring the curbing of emissions, additionally businesses are starting to really look at their carbon footprint
Marketing / PR – Hopefully you are looking at Bikes for Business for one of the above reasons, but the marketing and PR opportunities are endless if you do it right
Enjoyment – Riding a bike is fun!
Popular Examples of Bikes for Business Use Cases
Delivery – Quick delivery for fleets, or small businesses like bakery and coffee roasters
Hospitality – Bike fleets for rental or loaner
Trade Labor – Electricians, mobile mechanics, chimney sweeps
Market Booths –
Film and Photo Rigs –
Childcare Transport –